Our Process
We approach each project by listening to clients’ expectations, recognizing the markets, understanding the user and collaborating for results, all of which lead to creating a strong sense of place and a distinct destination. We view each project as an opportunity to improve, complement, and, in some cases, complete the fabric of the surrounding environment. 

Our experience in different phases of the design-build process, allows us to frame problems and opportunities with different points of view, we can analyze the same issue through the lens of the artist, the developer, the engineer, and the operator to arrive at the optimal holistic design solution. 

  • Founding Partner LYNC Levy + Neumann Colab

    Motivated by improving the world through innovative, sustainable and adaptable design solutions, Sabetay values trust and good communications and instills these values in all his relationships. His experience in different aspects of design, allows him to understand the different views and stakeholders involved in every project, resulting in inclusive and forward thinking design.

    His work has received various international distinctions such as: first prize in the contest for corporate image and re-branding of ITV stations throughout the Spanish territory. Finalist in the contests of: rethinking the route and descent of visitors to Tepozteco. Winner Novartis Mexico City campus redesign.


    MARCH Architecture, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona. Post-graduate studies in Interior and Landscape Design, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona. Collegiate member of the Colegio de Arquitectos de Barcelona. USGBC LEED Green Associate MBARCH IE University, Madrid, Spain.

  • Founding Partner LYNC Levy + Neumann Colab

    Developing an ever-increasing spectrum of projects with design initiative, ranging from small objects and apartment interiors, to large residential buildings, mixed-use buildings, hotel and hospital complexes, Eli Neumann has experience both in the design and the construction realms, this gives him the unique ability to understand both beauty and function, something imprinted into all of his designs.

    An architect with more than 20 years of professional experience, has allowed him to develop an extensive portfolio of high-profile and award-winning projects.


    Bachelor of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México. Winner Cemex Catedra Blanca award Post-graduate studies, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona.